Ready for Retirement?

with Attorney Howard Linden

Attorney Howard Linden joins me in a discussion on what retirement means as well as insight on when to downsize a home. This is an important topic for all of us who are approaching retirement age...

99 and Still Going Strong

With Reva Gornbein

Reva Gornbein is an amazing and wonderful person. At age 97, she took a trip to Antarctica. In this video, Reva shares her experiences in the army during World War ll. She visited Hitler’s bunker...

Public Safety & Seniors

With Police Chief, Phil Langmeyer and Fire Chief Mike Morin

Bloomfield Township, Michigan Police Chief, Phil Langmeyer and Fire Chief Mike Morin lead us in a discussion of the many services both departments have for those of us who are gracefully greying...

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Coronavirus Resources

Medicare, Falling, Capturing Memories, and the 100 Year Club
Laurie Blume

Medicare, Falling, Capturing Memories, and the 100 Year Club

Welcoming Fall

As we enter the crisper Fall months, we know there's a lot on our readers minds.  We are continuing to expand our resources and publish timely topics worth reading and watching. This month, we're sharing a few conversations with recent guests focusing on important topics that include Medicare, with Joanne Giardini-Russell, and a discussion with Geoffrey Hoffman, PhD, MPH who researches older adults and falls. On a lighter note, enjoy the interview with Gaylotta Murray who brings stories to life through photos and videos.  

We have also recently added the Gracefully Greying 100 Club featuring the 100 Years Young article link below. In this month's GG Book Nook, Debbie Gornbein reviews Wild Game written by Adrienne Brodeur. On the cooking front, foodie and influencer Annabel Cohen suggests a few cozy Fall recipes.

As always, we hope you can spread the word and share Senior Musings with your colleagues, friends, and family. Take a look at our Gracefully Greying YouTube Channel and view a myriad of conversations as professionals share their expertise. 

We would like to hear from you. Share your story and your experiences by becoming a contributor to Gracefully Greying. And please share and like us on social media.

Laurie Blume & Henry Gornbein, Gracefully Greying Co-Founders

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