What Is Retirement?

With Dr. Morley Glicken, Executive Director of The Institute for Personal Growth

Are you ready for retirement, and have you planned accordingly? The importance of financial and mental preparedness before retirement is crucial, according to Dr. Morley Glicken, the Executive...

Parkinson Voice Advocates

Educating the Community Through the Parkinson Voice Project

Parkinson Voice Advocates is a group of people with Parkinson’s whose voices have been restored through our SPEAK OUT!® & LOUD Crowd® therapy program through the Parkinson Voice Project.

Sleep from A to Zzzzzzzzz

With Dr. Andrea Wilkinson

In this episode, we share some of the audio from a past workshop called “Sleep from A to Zzzzzz”. Dr. Andrea covers how sleep affects the brain + body and the three sleep systems that work to...

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Onset Dementia & Money Loss
Laurie Blume

Onset Dementia & Money Loss

With Dr. Peter Lichtenberg

Dr. Peter Lichtenberg discusses the fascinating study showing that a 10 percent loss of cognitive ability correlates to a 20 percent loss in net worth. This study focuses on creating a 'risk system' for those who have been diagnosed with a mild cognitive impairment, as it pertains to financial decisions. Dr. Lichtenberg is the director of the Merrill Palmer Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.


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