How to Build a Happy Marriage
/ Categories: Life Stages, Empty Nesters

How to Build a Happy Marriage

Life Stages

It’s never too late to get married! There’s something extra special about getting married in your golden years. Of course, seniors have different priorities compared to younger couples. It’s important to think about the financial and legal implications of getting married after retirement, especially when it comes to long-term care planning. At the same time, you have to make time for activities that enable you and your spouse to build a new life together.

Here are some tips from Gracefully Greying to help you build a meaningful connection with your new spouse and plan a happy future!

Plan Fun Date Nights

Planning regular date nights is a great way to keep the spark alive after marriage. And for seniors who are also getting used to the long, slow days of retirement, finding fun and exciting ways to spend your time can make a huge difference in your happiness. Grab a cup of coffee at your favorite cafe, order takeout and watch a movie, go for a drive on a sunny Sunday, or get tickets to a local sports game. If you’re wondering where to find tickets, you’ll likely find discounted ones on a platform like TickPick. Just remember to use their interactive, 360-degree seating map to find seats with the best view of the game!

Have New Adventures Together

Seeking out new experiences is a great way to keep your life exciting after marriage. Try a new hobby together, sign up for a cooking class, go camping, or travel somewhere you’ve never been before. Frommer’s recommends a variety of senior-friendly vacation destinations to consider, from the rich natural setting of the Canadian Rockies to the sunny beaches of the Caribbean.

Make a Financial Plan

Financial planning is an important part of getting married. Talk about how you’re going to manage day-to-day finances with your spouse so you are both comfortable with your financial arrangement going into your marriage. If you’ve been single for a while, it may require a bit of an adjustment to share your funds with someone else. Of course, you can always continue to maintain separate accounts. Make sure you also discuss how you’re going to handle assets, debts, insurance, estate plans, taxes, and other critical financial matters.

Think About the Future

When you get married, it’s vital that you think about the future, especially for seniors who may have to navigate long-term care in the coming decades. Think about how you and your spouse are going to pay for long-term care, whether this means relying on Medicaid or funding care from your own savings accounts. And make sure you understand how getting married could affect your Medicaid Eligibility!

If you and your spouse want to age in place, make sure you discuss the logistics of being a caregiver to one another. Acting as a caregiver to a spouse can be emotionally and physically challenging, so it’s important to plan ahead. Consider whether you may need to save some money for assistive devices or hire help from a home-care agency to make caregiving easier.

Don’t Take Life Too Seriously

Seniors are experts at living in the moment. After decades of amassing experiences and wisdom, most seniors have learned not to take life too seriously. Try to let go and enjoy every day with your new spouse. Don’t take disagreements personally, be quick to forgive, and learn to laugh at your mistakes. Being flexible and easy-going is the key to making marriage work in your golden years, particularly if you’ve been living on your own for a while.

Love can find you at any age. If you want to get married in your golden years, don’t let anything stop you! Plan ahead, think about the financial and legal implications of your union and make plenty of time for exciting activities together.

Gracefully Greying is a resource-packed platform for the 50+ crowd. Explore our website to find helpful tips and information about growing older and navigating aging with grace and happiness.

Article submitted by Gracefully Greying contributing writer Claire Wentz, caringfromafar.com


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