The Often-Avoid­ed Top­ic of Death

The Often-Avoid­ed Top­ic of Death

Rusty Rosman nav­i­gates the com­plex­i­ties of end-of-life plan­ning

Rusty Rosman explains the impetus of writing her book Two Envelopes, What You Want Your Loved Ones to Know When You Die as the importance of avoiding chaos and angst on the death of a loved one.

When you die, there are so many things your fam­i­ly and loved ones imme­di­ate­ly need to know. Two Envelopes is your voice, con­vey­ing your wish­es regard­ing your death and your estate. With a unique blend of wis­dom, humor, and empa­thet­ic sto­ry­telling, Rusty Ros­man delves into the often-avoid­ed top­ic of death, offer­ing read­ers a guide to nav­i­gate the com­plex­i­ties of both prac­ti­cal and emo­tion­al aspects of end-of-life plan­ning. Rusty’s wis­dom and heart­felt way of guid­ing her read­ers make this book unique among the oth­er end-of-life plan­ning work­books avail­able online.

We all know this to be true:
• We all die. 
• We all mourn the pass­ing of loved ones. 
• We all must deal with the details relat­ed to our loved one’s death.

Your fam­i­ly will appre­ci­ate you even more because of what you placed in your two envelopes.


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