WATCH: Conservatorships

With Irena Politano

Irena Politano covers the important topic of navigating the probate courts for guardians and conservators. Those who can no longer take care of their physical needs or the economics often require...

Ready for Retirement?

with Attorney Howard Linden

Attorney Howard Linden joins me in a discussion on what retirement means as well as insight on when to downsize a home. This is an important topic for all of us who are approaching retirement age...

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Onset Dementia & Money Loss
Laurie Blume

Onset Dementia & Money Loss

With Dr. Peter Lichtenberg

Dr. Peter Lichtenberg discusses the fascinating study showing that a 10 percent loss of cognitive ability correlates to a 20 percent loss in net worth. This study focuses on creating a 'risk system' for those who have been diagnosed with a mild cognitive impairment, as it pertains to financial decisions. Dr. Lichtenberg is the director of the Merrill Palmer Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.


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