Covid-19 and the Courts

with Chief Justice Bridget McCormack, Michigan Supreme Court

Chief Justice Bridget McCormack, Michigan Supreme Court, addresses how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way the courts conduct business with Zoom technology, the pros and cons of this...

Public Health in the Age of Covid

With Kate Zenlea, Managing Director, The Global Health Initiative at Henry Ford Health System

Kate Zenlea, Managing Director, The Global Health Initiative at Henry Ford Health System discusses public health during the age of Coronavirus. Kate also explains the genusConnect app, an 'open...

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Onset Dementia & Money Loss
Laurie Blume

Onset Dementia & Money Loss

With Dr. Peter Lichtenberg

Dr. Peter Lichtenberg discusses the fascinating study showing that a 10 percent loss of cognitive ability correlates to a 20 percent loss in net worth. This study focuses on creating a 'risk system' for those who have been diagnosed with a mild cognitive impairment, as it pertains to financial decisions. Dr. Lichtenberg is the director of the Merrill Palmer Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.


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