Legacy Letters Legacy Letters Ethical Wills Tuesday, July 14, 2020 0 Legacy letters are a written set of directions to follow for living an ethical life. They are also referred to as ethical wills. It allows you to express a set of values or morals to your loved... Read more
What is Medicare? What is Medicare? A Primer for a Complicated System Friday, July 10, 2020 0 Take a look at this primer on Medicare, the complicated federal government's health insurance program. Navigating the system can be daunting - we hope that this information is helpful. Read more
Doctor Visits During Covid-19 Doctor Visits During Covid-19 How it used to be, how it is now, and what you have to do Tuesday, July 7, 2020 0 My wife and I have recently had doctor and dental appointments that had been rescheduled for months. They are now happening, and to say the least, they are surreal. Read more
Chef, Caterer, and Influencer Annabel Cohen Chef, Caterer, and Influencer Annabel Cohen Building her Delicious Business Thursday, July 2, 2020 0 Popular chef and lifestyle influencer Annabel Cohen, owner of Annabel Cohen Cooks Detroit, joins Gracefully Greying co-founder Laurie Blume, as they discuss Annabel's illustrious 30 year career as... Read more
Laurie Blume / Wednesday, March 11, 2020 / Categories: Financial, Advance Planning Choosing A Financial Advisor Tips and Advice What are seven key issues to consider when choosing a financial advisor? Do not hire the first financial advisor you meet. Interview at least a few advisors before picking the best one for you. Choose an advisor whose specialty will meet your needs. For those of us who are gracefully greying it is important to find someone who specializes in retirement planning. Pick an advisor whose strategy is compatible with your needs. How conservative should you be? Do you want to go into stocks, bonds, index funds, a blend? These are all important issues to discuss with a prospective advisor. Always check references. Ask about credentials. What tests has the financial advisor passed. What are his or her certifications? Be careful of branding. Just because an advisor is with a major investment house, does not necessarily mean that he or she will meet your needs. Understand how the advisor is paid. Is it a flat rate, a percentage of your assets under management? Will it be based upon commissions by mutual funds? This can be a serious conflict of interest. Be wary of churning an account to generate fees. These are just some basic points. They are important especially when it is dealing with your future and financial health. How to Choose a Financial Planner is an interesting article published by the WSJ that is worth the read. Print 22735 Tags: Financial Financial Planning More links How to Choose a Financial Advisor - NerdWallet How to Choose a Financial Planner - The Wall Street Journal How to Choose a Financial Advisor - U.S. News How to Choose a Financial Planner - AARP How to Choose a Financial Adviser - Kiplinger Related articles Key Financial Tips - Don’t Panic! A Tale of Two Losses: Your Memory & Your Money Can't Pay Your Taxes? The Perils of Caregiving: Protecting Finances Daily Money Management The Cost of Long-Term Care Reverse Mortgages for Seniors Saving for the 3 Stages of Retirement Seniors and Reverse Mortgages Don't Panic!