All About Hospice

With Michael Paletta, MD

Michael Paletta, MD, FAAHPM is the Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for Hospice of Michigan and Arbor Hospice, founding members of the NorthStar Care Community. In this interview,...

Senior Sleep Guide

Everything to Know About How Sleep Changes As You Age

Experts agree that older adults (age 65 and up) need around 7 hours of sleep each night. However, due to changes in circadian rhythms and time spent in each sleep stage, elderly adults might find...

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Telemedicine from an Attorney's Perspective
Laurie Blume

Telemedicine from an Attorney's Perspective

With Greg Gulick, General Counsel, Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer at Theoria Medical and 5-Star Telemed

Greg Gulick, General Counsel, Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer at Theoria Medical and 5-Star Telemed, discusses his role as chief legal council with a growing telemedicine company. As telemedicine is now a rapidly expanding industry, especially during the Covid pandemic, Greg explains privacy factors, licensing, the roles of physicians, caregivers, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and skilled nursing care administrators.

Greg also addresses the incorporation of data and artificial intelligence, using technology to calculate patient risk factors, and the ‘return to hospital’ rates. He explains increasing government reimbursement of telemedicine services, as patients and their families are discovering the efficiency of 24/7 service and doctors are able to manage and provide personalized service.


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