Is CBD Right For You?

A Natural Alternative

A lot of these medications have undesirable side effects, and some may even lead to dependence. So, it is no surprise that today’s well-informed seniors are looking for natural alternatives like...

Narcissism Survival Guide

With Dr. Mariette Jansen

Dr. Mariette Jansen is Dutch, lives in the UK and is a successful pshychotherapist / life coach. She grew up with a narcissistic mother and that shaped her life and her identity.

How To Sleep With Hip Pain

Simple and Practical Ways to Alleviate Nighttime Hip Pain

For those who battle chronic hip pain, there are a number of strategies that can provide comfort and pain relief throughout the night, making it possible to enjoy a more peaceful, restorative...

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BrainShape and Aging
Laurie Blume
/ Categories: Health, Aging

BrainShape and Aging

With Andrea Wilkinson, PhD, founder and CEO of BrainShape

Staying mentally and physically active is key to successful aging. Dr. Andrea Wilkinson, founder and CEO of BrainShape, empowers aging adults to take control of their own lives and teaches mental and physical vibrancy through her research-based signature methodology.

Listen as Dr. Wilkinson explains the 4 pillars of her program, discusses her podcast series, and her quest to help adults stay proactive as lifelong learners and active members of the community.

The BrainShape Podcast is available on: iTunes, Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Castbox or you can listen directly through the website: https://www.brainshape.ca/podcast


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