5 Tips for Seniors
A home-based business empowers and elevates seniors interested in earning extra income during retirement. Many seniors think starting a home-based business is complex and stressful — and it can be...
With Sandra Glazier, Equity Shareholder, Lipson/Neilson, P.C
Sandra Glazier, Equity Shareholder, Lipson/Neilson, P.C. specializes in family law and shares her expertise in the area of Undue Influence, the mental, physical and financial effects, signs and...
With Adita Yrizarry-Lang, founder of AditaLang.com and twofitpros.com
Adita Lang is a certified fitness instructor, author and speaker who shares her expertise on the busy women’s guide to health and happiness, Superpowers of the Family Kitchen, ways to boost your...
With Mindy Eisenberg, MHSA, E-RYT-500, founder of Yoga Moves MS
Mindy Eisenberg, MHSA, E-RYT-500, founder of Yoga Moves MS, debunks myths about breathing, delves into the history and evolution of how we breath, and demonstrates several breathing techniques...