Boost Your Brain

8 Tips on Wellness and Brain Health

It is never too early or too late to fight cognitive decline by whipping your brain into shape.  AARP has created Staying Sharp, a program which follows the guidelines of the Global Council on...

You Love to Travel!

Virtual Travel - Right Now

As we sadly enter Year 2 of the COVID pandemic, many of us are continuing to live in a world devoid of travel and leisure activities.

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Narcissism Survival Guide
Laurie Blume

Narcissism Survival Guide

With Dr. Mariette Jansen

Dr. Mariette Jansen is Dutch, lives in the UK and is a successful pshychotherapist / life coach. She grew up with a narcissistic mother and that shaped her life and her identity. After several attempts, she finally ‘broke free’ when she was 58 and wrote a best selling self help book on how to deal with narcissism – From Victim to Victor – Narcissism Survival Guide.

Dr. Wilkinson and Dr. Jansen discuss what narcissism is, being able to recognise narcissism instantly, having an insight how their abuse affects you, being able to take control and step away from their unhealthy influence, and knowing strategies on how to deal with narcissists.

Visit Brainshape.ca to learn about more relevant topics. Dr. Andrea Wilkinson has a PhD in Psychology with a specialization in Cognitive Aging. She has been studying brain fitness and cognitive maintenance for over 15 years. She co-founded BrainShape™ in 2014 - an online community for adults who want to enhance their mental & physical vibrancy as they age. Dr. Andrea is the host of the BrainShape Podcast™, a weekly show that covers the latest brain health research and shares interviews with experts in the field of health & aging.


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