Scamming Seniors

Crimes Against the Elderly

As vigilant as we all try to be, criminals seem to always be one step ahead. Between fake phone calls, internet and social media scams, there are more and more instances of crimes against the...

Fall Prevention for Seniors

Risk Assessment and Strategies for Fall Prevention 

Better fall prevention strategies could help lower costs for hospitals, insurers, and the federal government, as well as lower health care premiums and tax bills for everyone. Fall prevention for...

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Coronavirus Resources

Leveraging Technology in Telemedicine
Laurie Blume

Leveraging Technology in Telemedicine

With Justin Di Rezze, M.D., CEO of Theoria Medical

Theoria Medical CEO Justin Di Rezze, M.D. heads the only physician group in the country that creates its own technology in-house. Dr. Di Rezze discusses the synergy between the docs and engineers, and introduces ChartEasy, their state-of-the-art high tech telemedicine solution that improves workflows and patient outcomes, while reducing costs in the health care system. He also provides telemedicine advice to our 50+ demographic.


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