ZoomCrew and Virtual Workout

ZoomCrew and Virtual Workout

With Allison Kaplan, Owner, and Brett Powell, Business Manager of ZoomCrew

ZoomCrew owner Allison Kaplan, and business manager Brett Powell join Henry to discuss the evolution of the ZoomCrew. The onset of the Coronavirus forced Allison, with 40 years of experience in the fitness industry, to rethink how she and her staff would reach her beloved exercise devotees. Forced out of necessity, she and Brett explain how they have built a wildly successful virtual workout business which includes yoga, cardio, kickboxing, core, pilates, and weight training.

They discuss the ZoomCrew Enrichment Program, an important part of their venture, bringing in nutritionists, therapists, and influencers to add value to their client’s memberships.  They also explain their meaningful involvement in the Empowerment Plan in Detroit.  Listen to how the ZoomCrew gives back to the community, and is simultaneously building their business nationally.

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