The Importance of Dental Health for Seniors: Lila's Good Health

The Importance of Dental Health for Seniors: Lila's Good Health


Gracefully Greying Health Reporter, Lila Lazarus interviews Dr. Bruce Smoler, of Smoler Smiles.  Dr. Smoler explains the importance of dental health for seniors, and discusses where the phrase “longer in the tooth" comes from and how to stop it from happening. While the first thought is to try to save original teeth, sometimes teeth are not worth saving and dental implants are a much better answer now.

Some Facts:

- Millions of people are missing teeth. It is a silent epidemic.

- There are more people in this country with missing teeth than the population of Canada.

- People with dentures live on an average 10 years less than people with normal teeth.

- People with dentures stop smiling and sadly they are more likely to stay from other people.

Gracefully Greying presents: Lila's Good Health Report, brought to you by the law firm of Lipson Neilson

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