Staying Active

Staying Active

With Dr. Angela Catic


In this episode of BrainShape, Andrea interviews academic geriatrician Dr. Angela Catic, who discusses the importance of staying active as you age and how to do so in realistic and sustainable ways. Dr. Catic provides insights into the impact of social isolation on older adults - and in particular - how staying active and making an effort to maintain your mental well-being and physical mobility improves health outcomes. 

Visit Brainshape.ca to learn about more relevant topics. Dr. Andrea Wilkinson has a PhD in Psychology with a specialization in Cognitive Aging. She has been studying brain fitness and cognitive maintenance for over 15 years. She co-founded BrainShape™ in 2014 - an online community for adults who want to enhance their mental & physical vibrancy as they age. Dr. Andrea is the host of the BrainShape Podcast™, a weekly show that covers the latest brain health research and shares interviews with experts in the field of health & aging.
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