Healthy Diet, Healthy You Healthy Diet, Healthy You Making Smart Choices Wednesday, March 11, 2020 0 Our diet and lifestyle can have a tremendous impact on how we are gracefully greying. As we age, our metabolism slows down, and our bellies get bigger. Weight control is difficult to maintain,... Read more
Do Sugary Drinks Lead to a Shorter Life? Do Sugary Drinks Lead to a Shorter Life? Lay off the Sugar Wednesday, March 11, 2020 0 People who regularly consume sodas, sports drinks, and other sugary beverages may be more likely to suffer a premature death, a new study has found. Read more
Daily Money Management Daily Money Management How Do You Spend Your Money? Wednesday, March 11, 2020 0 How we manage our money on a daily basis is an important issue as we are gracefully greying. Determining the amount of money we need to live on depends on our age, lifestyle and retirement plans... Read more
Saving for the 3 Stages of Retirement Saving for the 3 Stages of Retirement Planning Ahead Wednesday, March 11, 2020 0 How much money do you need to retire? This is a question that we hear frequently and it seems that there is no one simple answer. There are three stages of retirement, all of which require... Read more
Laurie Blume / Wednesday, March 11, 2020 / Categories: Financial, Money Management Key Financial Tips - Don’t Panic! Remain Calm in Turbulent Times Here are a few financial tips for those of us who are Gracefully Greying adapted from the Financial Manager and AARP Magazine: Do not panic. Panic is the enemy. Diversification is your safety net. Make sure that your money is spread among different types of investments, such as U.S. stocks, foreign stocks, bonds and publicly traded real estate trusts. Investing in mutual funds is safer than buying individual stocks and bonds. It is hard to plan for economic calamity. Think twice before paying off your mortgage if it uses up a lot of cash. Do not panic and sell too early. This is how most people get hurt by market downturns. Panic is your biggest enemy. Do not be overconfident either. There are always down turns in the market. The four most dangerous words when the markets have been strong for a long time: “This time it’s different.” Another good read is Suze Orman's article 10 Steps to our Ultimate 'Retirement, published in AARP. Another important read is published by U.S. News & World Report, What the Coronavirus Means for Your Retirement Finances. Print 34280 Tags: Financial Financial Planning Related articles A Tale of Two Losses: Your Memory & Your Money Can't Pay Your Taxes? The Perils of Caregiving: Protecting Finances Choosing A Financial Advisor Daily Money Management The Cost of Long-Term Care Reverse Mortgages for Seniors Saving for the 3 Stages of Retirement Seniors and Reverse Mortgages Don't Panic!