Seniors & Technology

Get On Board!

We live in a digital world and ours lives are now governed by our devices. Platforms and apps such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, and...

Importance of Sleep

Older Adults and Longevity

Sleep issues tend to mount as we get older. According to a National Sleep Foundation's comprehensive study, we have a harder time falling asleep, have more trouble staying asleep and have lighter...

CapTel Captioned Phones

Hearing and Seeing

CapTel phones and CTS (Captioned Telephone Service) allows those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or 'late-deafened' to not only listen to the caller's voice, but read everything that is being said...

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Financial Advice in Unstable Times
Laurie Blume
/ Categories: Financial, Retirement

Financial Advice in Unstable Times

with Robert Sinnaeve, President, SS&H Financial Advisors

Robert Sinnaeve, President, SS&H Financial Advisors, speaks candidly with Henry on the new reality of the broad financial situation, especially during this unstable time of Covid-19. They discuss the implications of retirement savings, thoughtful advise for every stage of retirement, and suggestions to help you sleep through the night.


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