Covid-19 and the Courts

with Chief Justice Bridget McCormack, Michigan Supreme Court

Chief Justice Bridget McCormack, Michigan Supreme Court, addresses how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way the courts conduct business with Zoom technology, the pros and cons of this...

Public Health in the Age of Covid

With Kate Zenlea, Managing Director, The Global Health Initiative at Henry Ford Health System

Kate Zenlea, Managing Director, The Global Health Initiative at Henry Ford Health System discusses public health during the age of Coronavirus. Kate also explains the genusConnect app, an 'open...

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Financial Advice in Unstable Times
Laurie Blume
/ Categories: Financial, Retirement

Financial Advice in Unstable Times

with Robert Sinnaeve, President, SS&H Financial Advisors

Robert Sinnaeve, President, SS&H Financial Advisors, speaks candidly with Henry on the new reality of the broad financial situation, especially during this unstable time of Covid-19. They discuss the implications of retirement savings, thoughtful advise for every stage of retirement, and suggestions to help you sleep through the night.


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